Renewable Solutions

Blue Sierra Power, LLC and Diode Ventures, LLC work directly with producers, off takers, processors, utilities and others to determine the best renewable solution to meet their energy needs. Below are some of the opportunities we create, as well as challenges and problems we solve

Reducing Emissions

Blue Sierra Power and partners’ fundamental skills are to design, fund, build, deliver or operate renewable solar power, with optional battery storage systems, both in-front and behind the meter.

Reducing Energy Costs

The state-of-the-art solar and battery systems are capable of reducing Blue Sierra Power clients’ field operating electric and compression costs while improving our clients’ environmental profile.

Net Metering Solutions

Blue Sierra has developed a unique and powerful formula in New Mexico for developing economic renewable power for the oil patch, reducing and offsetting carbon emissions, while generating renewable energy credits for our clients, all in record time to commencement of operations, potentially extendable to other producing states.

Providing Long-Term High 9’s Reliability

The state-of-the-art solar and battery systems are engineered to operate and interchange seamlessly with conventional power transmission systems, providers and resources, with no interruptions. Project life is 20 years and beyond.

Improving Corporate ESG Goals, Objectives and Profiles

Blue Sierra Power brings projects that will result in recognizable and measurable environmental benefits for our clients, their investors and shareholders and the environment.

Delivering Renewable Energy Credits & Future Carbon Tax Benefits

Blue Sierra Power will help monetize 100% of the REC’s generated from each project and deliver 100% of the value directly to the client. Blue Sierra Power’s development efforts are designed to favorably position our clients in anticipation of any future carbon tax credit initiative or legislation.


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